Wintergreen for Sports and Fitness

Running on trails--edited

It’s a great feeling to exercise and know you’re making your body stronger. Do you know what isn’t such a great feeling? The incredible soreness that sometimes follows. Thankfully, we have wintergreen essential oil!

Joint Mobility and Sore Muscles

So much of exercise is dependent on joints. If your joints don’t move (or if they’re very stiff) then you can’t exercise AT ALL (or at least not without a lot of pain!).

Wintergreen essential oil helps by interacting with nerves, temporarily quieting the nerves that send those “aches and pains” signal to your brain. This promotes improved, temporary joint mobility. Because of its unique qualities, it also works great on sore muscles!

Natural Wintergreen Relief

Create your own sports lotion by adding natural wintergreen essential oil to any moisturizing lotion to enhance pain relief and recovery. Another great idea is to combine 1 drop of our peppermint essential oil to every 4 drops of our natural wintergreen essential oil to boost the effectiveness even more.

Wintergreen ultimately helps you in the process of rebuilding stronger muscle fibers and improving flexibility. Our natural wintergreen essential oil will provide you with temporary muscle pain relief as you focus on recovery.

Blog Special Offer!

FOR 4 DAYS ONLY, you can get THREE 15 ml bottles of wintergreen essential oil for ONLY $25 and we will include free shipping with your order! Click the link below to get this limited-time offer!

Get Three 15 ml Bottles of Wintergreen!
Only $25 + Free Shipping!

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