Step 1: Earth
We ensure our essential oil plants are grown on indigenous land that provides the best earth and growing conditions.
These plants are grown in native locations with pristine earth which has not been contaminated by big-city pollution.
Small farmers follow traditional growing practices where the earth is source for minerals for proper plant growth by use of composted dirt and rotated crops. No artificial fertilizers or toxic chemicals are used.

Step 2: Sprout
Single species seeds that are non-genetically modified organisms (non-GMO) guarantee essential oil quality. Wild-crafted plants are allowed to sprout naturally in native soil.
Cultivated plants sprout in protected greenhouses or directly on the farmland. All greenhouse sprouts are held up to our Earth Natural™ standards, and if transplanted to farmland soil are done so by hand.
Step 3: Nurture
The sprouted plants are nurtured by sunlight and irrigated by naturally sourced water. Our farming partners care for the plants individually and weed by hand.
No pesticides. No herbicides. No chemicals.

Step 4: Gather
The plants are then gathered by hand at the peak of essential oil production. Our farming partners follow traditional gathering practices.
The plants are then left in the open-air to dry to encourage essential oil release.
Step 5: Release
Gentle steam distillation releases Earth Natural™ essential oils from the gathered leaves or bark of plants.
Hydrodistillation is used to release the essential oils from gum-resins of frankincense trees.
Our citrus essential oils are released from the peel of the fruit by traditional and modern “cold press” methods.
No double or triple distillations.
No fractionations or extractions.

Step 6: Protect
Once the oils are released from the plant they are protected in inert tanks and drums.
Earth Natural™ quality ensures no chemical reactions or heat interferes with the essential oils. This protects the volatile components from evaporating during shipment and storage.
Never blended with inferior species.
No synthetic fragrance chemicals added.
Step 7: Verify
We verify Earth Natural™ quality throughout the Earth Natural™ process.
We travel to our plant-origin farms to train and verify our Earth Natural™ process is being upheld. We maintain personal relationships with these farming partners.
We then verify our oils through refractive index, specific gravity, color, aroma, and GC-MS tests. The GC-MS results are analyzed meticulously by experienced chemists.
We verify every batch.
Guaranteed single-species essential oils.

Step 8: Present
Our Earth Natural™ oils are presented in our elegant LotusBlue™ bottles, then packaged and shipped to your home.
Our ergonomic SmoothSeal™ caps feature an aluminum outer shell which provides the industry’s only “no evaporation” seal. This keeps every last precious drop of Earth Natural™ essential oils inside of your bottle.
FlashFused™ labels are permanent and non-fading.
No ink to smear.
No gummy residue from labels.
Step 9: Natural
Many companies add synthetic chemicals and fragrances to enhance the aroma of their essential oils.
Earth Natural™ essential oils are single-species (not mixed species like lesser-quality essential oils). This makes our Earth Natural™ essential oils more potent, bioactive, and therapeutic.
Every drop of Lotus Spring™ essential oil will provide you the magnificent, natural benefits of the plant as Nature intended.